Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday Three! For your entertainment...

Good morning everyone! I hope you're all having a great week! I was going to do a different blog post, because my dear friend Aubrey gave me a blogging award, but I'm running short on time this morning and it required lots of thought to answer the questions. So I'll do that (hopefully) Monday or Tuesday. Today, it's all about entertainment! Movies, books, and music! 
1. Ok, so I saw this trailer forever ago, and completely forgot about it. Then my SIL showed it it to me and I remembered how AWESOME it looks. I loved me some Glee (before they screwed it up) and The Sing-Off was one of my favorite shows, so I'm totally in on this movie. I finally figured out it comes out in October, so I only have to wait a little longer. Check out the trailer below - doesn't it look hilarious?! 
2. Speaking of other things coming out in October, it's the month when ALL THE BOOKS COME OUT. Well, not all of them, but at least 4 (that I know about) are coming out in October that I'm SUPER excited about. The hardest part? From what I can find of the release dates, THEY ALL COME OUT THE SAME DAY. That's right, mark your calenders because on October 23rd, Beautiful Redemption, Finale, The Evolution of Mara Dyer, and The Lost Prince come out. The hardest part will be figuring out which one I want to read first. :)
3. Finally, I've been slowly making progress on Secret Story. It was small changes at first, but now I've hit the point where in the first draft I just kind of...skipped over everything to get to the good stuff. Now I'm basically adding in brand new chapters so the characters feel more fleshed out and the intense stuff is more engaging because the reader will actually know the characters and, you know, care what happens to them. It's been hard, trying to fit new stuff into an existing MS, but I just have to keep reminding myself that it's ok to cut the old stuff if the new stuff works better. I write with music on if I can (sometimes it's Disney movies because my kids win). No one song is sticking out at me where I'm at, but when I was finishing the first draft, this song is what inspired the ending and I listened to it on repeat for HOURS. So, for your listening pleasure, I give you Florence + the Machine. (I know this isn't the official music video, but it was kind of weird and distracting, so I went with lyrics instead.)
Welll, that's it for me this week! How about you guys? Any movies you are supremely excited for or books that have you fangirling for the release date? And if you have any music recommendations, I am always looking for new music to listen to while I write. Sound off in the comments below! Don't be shy, I love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. We should go see Pitch Perfect together... I can't wait to see it!!!
