Monday, July 11, 2011

Almost Done and a Working Title!

That's right boys and girls, you read that right. I am *this close* to being done with the first complete draft of book 1 - which now has a working title because I'm sick of calling it "book 1".

Are you ready?

Here we go.


Nice, right? I like it. It has a certain ring to it. And sounds WAY better than "book 1". So there you are.

Anyway, back to the progress. I'm just under 50k, and am really close to the end. I'm guessing it'll be around 55k when I hit the end, which seems small, but as I'm writing I'm realizing that I'm skipping over things that will need to be added in. I didn't mean to skip over them, I just thought it wasn't important to cover, until I got further into the story and realized it was important. So, that will be next, once I finish. I'm still keeping it to myself, and once I get to the end, I'm going to do a read through and add/revise/rewrite the things that need to be fixed, and then it goes out to my beta readers and the girls to critique. I have a total of 5 (possibly 6) people who will read it and send it back to me with all of their thoughts, suggestions, and edits. Then, hopefully, I can organize all of that and get to work on the next round of edits and revisions. It's getting all kinds of exciting for me around here!

So, that's where I am. Next time you hear from me, I will have - for the first time - completely finished writing a book. Even if it's still pretty rough. ;) Hooray for progress! Until next time, happy writing!

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