Friday, January 7, 2011

The Middle

So, I've been writing my book from the beginning for the last couple weeks now that I've gotten everything out with my free write. I feel like it's been going fairly well, and I've got about 11,000 words  -  my prologue and three chapters. So far I like what's coming out, especially things that I didn't bother with during my free write. The characters are fleshing out a little more and I'm getting a better feel for their personalities. But as I was working on chapter three, I realized something.

I really struggle with the middle "stuff".

I have a solid beginning and ending, because those are the most clear in my head. And I do have some scenes in the middle that are fairly clear as well. But it's everything else - the side characters, the sub-plots, the planting of hints without giving things away.... Yeah, that stuff is turning out to be really hard.

I've started books before, I have about 15 outlines for different stories of varying degrees of originality in notebooks all over my house. But I've never gotten this far. I've never gotten to the point where I'm seriously putting it all down with the intention of someday submitting it. And it's bringing to light all of the things I've never worried about before.

And it's hard.

By the time I'm done with a chapter, my mind is melted from trying to make it all work and sound good and coming up with new things that aren't stupid or distracting. It's really, really difficult. But I'm hoping that as I get further into the book, it will get a little easier, since right now is mostly set up and background and whatnot that I'm trying to figure out. *fingers crossed* *knock on wood* *wishing on a star*

For the moment I'm trying to not focus on getting it perfect. Right now I just want to get it out and finished. I can go back and make edits and rewrites as required, but if I worry about that right now, I'll never finish. So wish me luck that I can survive making it through the middle with my sanity, and that what I come up with doesn't totally suck. : )

I have another group critique on Tuesday that I'm super excited about. I'm loving what the girls' are writing, and their feedback on my writing is always extremely helpful. Hopefully they'll have some ideas/thoughts that will help me make my way through the tough spots. I'll let you know how it went. Until then, happy writing!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing so great, Jenn! Don't stress about the middle. Even if what you write for the middle ends up in the trash can, at least you have gotten that out of the way and can replace it with better stuff! It doesn't have to be good stuff, just as long as it's stuff, and we'll go from there. I'm so impressed already, I don't doubt it will work out really well!
