Well, while I've been waiting for the weather to pick a season and waiting for this stupid cold I have to go away, I've been busy with writing.
First up, while lounging on my couch, watching Tangled for the zillionth time with Diva and Dude, I came up with a new plot point for one of my characters. Suddenly, a small side character became fairly important, with an entire backstory and new motivations that turned her into a bit of a villain. Definitely an obstacle of sorts for my main characters. This means more changes to my story, but it adds another layer to everything that makes me excited to see how it all forms up and comes together. I have to admit, while it's been frustrating, it's also been fun seeing how things are changing to make it better.
Also, it's a new month and a new short story for Once Upon A Distraction, and my story is now up for all to read. So head on over there if you have a chance to check it out. There's love and death and stormy weather to entertain you. :)
Well, that's it for me for now. Until next time, happy writing!
I love the new twist... I can't wait to see how you write it up! You're my hero. xoxo