Greetings! Welcome to my blog! Once upon a time I had it strictly for chronicling my journey to becoming a published writer, but that seemed a little...restrictive. And boring. And repetitive. (And slightly arrogant, if I'm honest. I've never made it past the first round of revisions on any of my stories, so I was getting a wee bit ahead of myself.)
So! Now I've switched things up a bit. It will still have stuff about writing, and books I'm reading, but it will also be sprinkled with bits and pieces of other parts of my life. Movies I'm in love with, music I'm obsessed with, my kids, my husband, trips I might be taking and whatnot. But, I'm still going to try and keep the focus mostly on books - writing and reading.
So, feel free to look around and I hope to see you here again!
Also, in case you're interested, you can find me on Twitter and Pinterest (this is where I post a lot of my visual insperation for my stories). And if you want to know what I'm reading, you can also find me on Goodreads.
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