Sunday, December 26, 2010

Flow and Structure

Ok, so when I first get an idea for a story, I kind of just do a free write. Sometimes I don't get much out, sometimes it's quite a bit. But I can't focus on anything until I get all the scenes floating around in my head out on paper. Plus, once it's all out, I can get an idea of where my story is going, and some of it is usable later, some not so much. But it's the beginning of my process.

Well, my current story started this way. At first it was going to be just one book. But the more I wrote, the more I realized (with strong encouragement from Andrea and Aubrey) that it would be better as two books. So that's what I'm shooting for. It's been kind of nice because when I get stuck on one, I can move to the other. It helps with the writer's block, but it's not distracting because they go together and both need to get done. With Book One, I ended up with just over 20,000 words from my free write. Impressive, right? I think so, since it's the most I've ever written for any one story. It's given me a pretty good idea of where everything is going to go, and I'm ready to go back and start at the beginning, really writing it like a book now. (Kinda scary to be honest.)

So, just to get an idea of what I wanted to have happen and where, I wrote a basic chapter outline. It helped me figure out where to put scenes I had written, and gave me a path from point A (the beginning) to point B (the end). So far I have written the prologue and chapter 1. I'm pretty proud, and I even came up with another side character and plot twist that I didn't plan on. That was cool. But I'm finding that I struggle with descriptions. I have a really hard time conveying what I see in my head to words on the page. Hopefully through rewrites and edits that will get better.

Today I pose a question to you out there in Internet Land. When it comes to chapters, do you think it's better to end them when it feels like a good place to end - regardless of length? My goal was 5,000 words per chapter, but I've hit a point in chapter 1 that feels like a good place to end and it's only 2,900 words. Feels a little short. But it really is a decent ending point for the chapter. I can't decide if I should stick to my word goal or if I should just let the story flow for now and make the chapters whatever length they come out in. Any thoughts?


  1. I think you should end where it feels right. Or find a way to move that point that feels right to the end.

    We never made goals at our last meeting. Is it okay if I give you one I think will help with you descriptions? When you read keep a note book by you. Anytime you come across a descriptive word or phrase, that really makes you feel taste see or hear what the character is feeling, seeing, hearing, or tasting. Then later write what you felt or why. It'll help you see how others write detail and probably spark ideas of your own.

    You're truly amazing!

  2. Always end where it feels right. If you're forcing anything, you're going to have a novel that feels forced. The length shouldn't matter.
