Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ok, so here's where I am right now.

- I've completely been ignoring my current WIP. I feel stuck and that annoys me so in typical Jenn fashion, I'm pretending it doesn't exist for right now. (That's a lie, I still think about it quite a bit, but I haven't actually worked on it for weeks.)

- I've been taken over by a new, different idea and it's what I end up working on when I do actually sit down to write. It's not bad. Really rough, but I'm liking where it's going. And right now they are the characters who are talking to me the loudest, so that's where my attention is going.

- This morning while in the shower, a brand new sparkly idea popped into my head and while I washed my hair and shaved my legs I let my mind wander with this new character. I'm very intrigued, but I think that story would involve a fair amount of research, so I think I'll get the basics down (so I don't forget) and then leave it alone for awhile. Or, as I start writing it I'll become obsessed with it and it will take on a life of it's own. It's happened before.

- But, while my head has been taken over by shiny new ideas and crazy new characters, I've disappeared into the world of reading. I found some great books at the library and so I've disappeared into other peoples' made up worlds for a while. And it's been blissful. And very interesting, since I still read like a reader, but I also now read like a writer. I'm picking up more on things I like and don't like as research for my own writing style.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to. Completely disregarding any deadlines I had given myself and just going with the flow. Call me irresponsible, but I don't care at this point. I'm giving myself up to the characters that talk the loudest right now - no matter what story they are a part of.

It feels very freeing.